Ambiguitatea Capodoperei – recenzie în sITA 6/2018

În 2018 am avut privilegiul de a face o recenzie volumului realizat de Ștefan Simion: Ambiguitatea Capodoperei – Livio Vacchini prin 11 dialoguri, apărut la Editura Fundației Arhitext Design. Recenzia a fost publicată în volumul nr. 6/2018 al revistei sITA – studies in History and Theory of Architecture.

Iată primul paragraph din recenzie, articolul întreg putând fi consultat și descărcat online de la adresa web a sITA:  HTA6_R_Dordea Simion.indd (

Reviewing Ambiguity of the Masterpiece. Livio Vacchini through 11 Dialogues I discovered a work that is carefully crafted like a building following Livio Vacchini’s principles: the book is a sequence of spaces where the reader literally listens to architects and theorists confessing their friend, Livio Vacchini. Just like the hard kernel of Vacchini’s work, the content of the book is spatial and relational. It is reconstructed by the dialogues as a process, as a construction, as a construct, as a criticism, as a state of mind, a lifestyle, a credo. The tone of the discourse is also noteworthy: on the one hand, it projects the reader into the intimate space of the architect and his circle of friends, collaborators, critics, etc.; on the other hand, it urges/implies respect towards a lifetime’s work and a modus operandi that is in search of eternal perfection, all the while acknowledging the ambiguity given by the constraints of the present. The ability to underline subtle criticisms is also something that makes this book an important piece of the puzzle that is trying to understand the work of Vacchini. […]

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