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2018 Arges Architecture Annual –  Residential architecture section award

The 9x9m maximum footprint determined by regulations prior to the start of the architectural project led to the construction of a three-story building. The sloped terrain is accessible from the valley, so the lower level receives mainly technical functions such as car garage, thermal boiler and storage. By means of a stone support wall, on the west side of the house we have envisioned a mineral yard for car and pedestrian access. Along the retaining wall there is a direct access to the house and exterior stairs towards the garden. This level of the vegetable court also determines the intermediate level of the house – the living area – with the dining area and living room, kitchen and a small bathroom. The interior and exterior are linked by a niche and an open terrace. Upstairs are the bedrooms, a bathroom and a work desk.

The three types of overlapping use are also expressed outside the volume through a classical division. The base is plated with limestone from the nearby quarry of Albești. The median area is finished with white-gray decorative plaster while at the top, a strip of wood planking connects the pitched roof to the body of the building. The simple volume refers both to a diffused modernity and to the old architecture present in the Muscel region.

Facts + Figures
client: Private
address: Câmpulung, AG
built area: 180 m2
status: completed
year: 2011-2015